
Stinking Thinking

We are such thinkers!!  Are ya with me?  Thinking, what the hell is thinking all about.  What is so special about thinking?  However, that is why I took most of my electives in college.  Who am I and what am I? OR something!!  Perception, it all comes back to perception.  At least the way I see it.

As you read these symbols on this page you translate them into images or ideas,  you are thinking.  Boy, in we go deep, quick.  Hang on and let go, as we are going someplace.  Someplace most wonderful.  Trust me ;-)

Think of it as a journey, a verbal trip to reality or maybe even better.   At least for the agnostics and physicists out there.  More thinking, naughty, naughty.   Ok, rule number one - Thinking does not necessarily equate to reality.  "What reality?", you quander (apparently a new word) , and I retort, anticipating your query, give it up dude.  Yea, little dude, the one we can all agree should not be in charge all the time.
Well now, some progress.  Maybe.

(to be continued...)


White lies and living truthfully

It is not always easy to be in truth, you have to stay alert to the opportunity.

There are all kinds of lies and lying.  For example, there are the little white lies such as:

Such as when someone asks you how you are doing or feeling and you respond that you are feeling great or doing well, when in that moment, you are actually very upset or are feeling blue about something.  You justify your response either as you don't want to talk about it, or the person asking you does not really want to know how you are feeling, or was simply saying hello rather than wanting to really know how you are feeling.  Have you lied?  Yes, you have lied.  No one apparently is hurt by the lie, but you have just lied.

Such as when someone asks you if you agree or believe a situation, and your response is that you are ok with it, when in reality you are simply tired of the discussion or don't think the person that you are talking with is really open about the discussed matter.  In any case, you have lied because in reality you would never really agree, but you lie anyway just to finish up, or move on from the conversation.

Such as when someone asks you if you have done something and you say "yes", but in reality, you have not done this and yet you can justify your response, your lie, because you intend to take care of it in the future and don't care to be hassled about it any more.  In any case, you have lied.  The truthful answer would have been "no, and I will get to it in my own time and fashion", or something to that effect.

Such as when you visit your doctor and they ask you to answer 100 questions about your health or mental state, or your family medical history.  Do you wake up and have to go to the bathroom at night?  Is there a history of such and such a condition in your family?  How many drinks do you have during a week?  Are you feeling sad about anything?  Questions like that.  You answer in such a way that will get you thru the situation without having to discuss the matter any further.  It is a lie.  No one appears to be hurt, yet a lie has occurred.

Such as "Did you stop anywhere before you got here?"  There could be various reasons to not tell the truth to this seemingly straight forward question.  Perhaps you were buying a present for the person asking the question and you don't want them to know or suspect, because you want it to be a surprise later on.  Or you visited someone that you don't want the person asking the question to know about.  Or you were late because you did stop someplace.  Could be a totally innocent event, yet the response of "no" is a lie.  Now you begin to see that there is potential harm a foot. The lie becomes a little less white.  The potential for harm grows greater.  And of course you need to then remember your lie so that it fits reality later on.

Then there are other lies - not quite so white in nature, such as:

Such as "You haven't told anyone about this, have you?".  Or "promise me that you won't tell anyone about this", You agree to this confidence, but you are already thinking about who you can tell.  You promised not to tell anyone, but you already plan to make a small exception or two.  I will only tell my mate, or my best friend, after all, we promised to share everything with each other. But you have just lied to the person who asked for your total confidence, or soon will.  No real harm, right?  Or is there?

Such as when someone asks you a question - "Do you know this to be the truth?" and you respond, yes.  But in truth you only heard it from someone else and don't really know for yourself that it is true.  People don't lie about things do they?  So it must be true what they said to me, so therefore it is true coming from me.  But that is not how you answered, you left out a pertinent qualifier, so you have lied to someone, and perhaps that will affect someone's life.  Thou shall not bear false witness.  It's even a commandment for God's sake.

Such as the question "Have you had intimate relations with a particular person?".   You answer, no.  You justify your response by reasoning that it is none of their business, or you don't want to hurt someone, or you are uncomfortable discussing the matter, or you reason that is was just once and you won't do it again, or what is being intimate anyway, or I was drunk, or fill in the blank.  All lies, despite the reasons for not telling the truth, ethical or not.

Such as when someone asks you something about someone else and you do not tell the truth because to do so might cause harm to someone.  You do not tell the truth because you deem it ethically better to
lie rather than tell the truth as you know it.  Still you have lied, perhaps to protect another, but it is a lie none the less.  You could have told them you do not want to discuss this subject, but that would have then caused further suspicion, so you choose to lie instead.

Then there are the out and out lies:

Have you done such and such? - no
Do you love me? - no or yes
Did you take something - No
Have you ever lied to me - No
Are you telling me the truth? - Yes
Are you guilty of such and such. - No

There are immediate consequences to such questions and you don't want to experience them.  So you lie, comfort zone preserved.  Or is it?

Life, or the quality of life, is at least a combination of the moments.  What is the meaning of living in the truth and being free?  I would surmise that when you lie, it runs contrary to that goal - an opportunity of living freely in the moment.  So, what is the worst kind of lie?

I would propose it is lying to oneself.  Unto thine own self be true.  Good start to being free. Plus it is such a pain to have to remember all the lies. It almost seems unfortunate that we have a choice to tell the truth or lie.

Perhaps it just takes practice to stay in the truth rather than lie to others or to ourselves.  The benefits would appear to be rich in nature.


Surrender to What?

Surrender, yea, right!!

What if I were to say that we are in a constant state of surrender.
Sorry, is that  a question or a declarative statement?

Surrender?  Yea, I know, that's a tough one.  At least for something its tough. What in the world does that mean?  Why does the thought of surrender kick up such a fuss?

I look thru my eyes and I surrender to what I see.  I eat food and surrender to the flavors. I look, I see, I surrender to what I see.  Get it?  Maybe not, if not, start from the beginning.  ;-)

Maybe not because we are such knowing creatures.  We so much know what is the truth, or do we just have a need to be right?  If I know I know, then there is no reason for doubt or anxiety, right?  Let's have a long round of applause for Religion.  Believe, die, and go to heaven.  So simple, so safe.

I propose that just because I have an understanding of something that I see does not in fact make that understanding the truth, much less the absolute truth.  So where does that leave me?  I look, I see, I understand, but what do I really know?

What if I were to say that you have to surrender to know the Truth.
No way - Dude!!!  I will not surrender to anyone or anything!!  Only pathetic, lazy souls surrender. It is important to do it myself, right?  Yes, that is correct, but do I understand what that truly means.

But you are seeking the Truth, right?  Perhaps it is simply reading the right book or asking the perfect question, or some sort of magical ahah moment.  Who needs to surrender?

Or maybe ask the question -  What surrenders to what?
What surrenders is all that you think you know, sometimes called the ego. What Truth do I gain?  Nothing that you do not already have.  Damn!
On the surface it does not seem like much of a trade off.  But I assure you that it is.

One can think all the time and still not know the truth of oneself.
One can experience the truth of oneself without thinking, perceiving perhaps, but thinking no.To think is to understand, and yet the truth and experience of oneself lies beyond understanding oneself. Understanding is not useless, it is simply limited.

Clean the mirror of perception, be still, focus, focus within (if you know how) and voila, there I am. Pretty nifty.  Surrender (let go of) the transient, and take a peek at the in-transient world for awhile.
Don't worry the transient world ain't going anywhere.  Not sure what the in-transient world is?  That's where teachers can come in handy. Teachers show the way (if they can) and then it is up to you to practice experiencing the two different worlds.  But that's a topic of another discussion.

Bah, no teachers, no surrender.  I can do it myself!  Do what yourself? Thus spake what? Have you really done it for yourself?  If not, why not? What are you waiting for?  Oh right, it's just around the corner in the next book.  We all have teachers, get over it.

Kevinisms - "Don't throw all experiences into the same basket"
and "Truth does not bend itself to my understanding therein"

Surrender:  Hummm.
What exactly surrenders to what?  And what are you after that surrender?  Different?  The same?

Seek and I shall find.  Find the Truth, surrender to the Truth.  The Truth shall then set me free. Well, sort of, cause I was already free.

I just forgot for awhile and then I remembered to wake up. Like waking up from a dream  ;-)




What a powerful word!

The word "Prayer" is common to most humans, in some sense.  A sincere moment of reflection.  If but for awhile, to take a moment to become still and know what is true. To have your needs heard.

To reach out to a higher power - whatever that means, cause I thought we were all one, and anyway if this God is all knowing, it already knows what's going on - no need to inform the all-knowing, is there?

Prayer - to pray - I pray, you pray, and yes, we all pray, well, most of us pray.  Pray for what?  Peace, happiness, detachment - what?

But then who is the god that we pray unto?  Is this god God?  Or is it just an inkling that we have?

Prayer - A conscious act to be still (free of thought) and feel what exists while in that stillness, yet without understanding, or at least to a place beyond understanding.

Which, of course, begs the question:
Can you be still and just feel, and be free of the need to turn your perception into a concrete image? What exists in that moment?  What perceives in that moment?  Who are you, in the stillness of that moment?  Whew!! Thanks goodness the Truth is simple - ever the simplest thing.  Anyway,

Back to prayer.  I seek prayer as a moment to connect to what I truly am.  Just as a sponge is designed for water, so are we to the thirst and quench of truth.  I am left, yet again, seeking the Truth as each breath (whether I like it or naught) is taking me to or away from the Truth.

Damn this free will.  Thank goodness for this free will.  So much joy!!

And yet I continue to find refuge in knowing what I am and that which is everlasting in me.

A moment in which my heart felt yearning gives way to surrender to the higher power which is me and is the basis of my existence.  That's a tough one to understand, and that is why experience supersedes thoughts or understandings in this matter.

I do not pray to ask for that which I do not have, for that is my misconception.

I pray to render myself, expose myself, to the infinite within, and like the sponge soaking up the radiant nectars, I then spill out in gratitude and wonderment.  And those that have the eyes to see, enjoy the offering from your kindred spirits.

Ah Prayer - Silent prayer as the mystics have called it.  Filling ourselves with the radiant waters within.

It restores my awareness of good things as well as the Buddha smile.  ;-))


Magic and Mystery - Learn to embrace it

It seems to me that most folks are looking for magic and mystery in their lives.  They might not call it magic, but when they leave the structure and safety, or seeming prison, of their everyday lives, they hope to experience something that will transport or awaken them to something eye opening, something that makes them feel truly alive. It does not matter whether it is a walk in the woods or a nearby park, or an outing to the movies or a play, or a trip to the building supply store or even the grocery store.  All these ventures cry out - make my life special, show me some magic, let there be more to the moments of my life!!

We may be watching from a sheltered or bruised ego, but we still crave to feel alive, to feel a sense of adventure in our lives.  We say hello to someone and when asked how we are doing, we say fine. And yet we are so much more than fine, and there is so much more that wants, even needs, to be shared - if only we dared.  There is much room for hope, the magic is calling to us constantly.  Learn to listen.

Yes, life is fraught with mystery and magic.  We just need to remember to be on the watch for it.  It is all around us, it surrounds, beckons, and even sings to us.  We may think that we do not have anyone to really open up with, but we do - we have everyone and everything.  We may feel trapped by a seemingly insignificant life, but the simplest outing to a grocery store is full of opportunity to share and enjoy the unknown, the mystery.  When we look into the eyes of another, let there be a recognition that you are looking at yourself, so why not be open?

Now I am not talking about puking your guts out to some stranger in an elevator.  I am talking about creating the space and opportunity for the magic and mystery to unfold.  You are the stage, let the show unfold for you.  Look around, watch and take notice of all that is around you.  Take notice of all the characters in the play that surround you.   Have no fear, for fear is all too often an illusion, a misapprehension.  Let yourself be free to interact with your environment, as it so wants to interact and play with you.  Practice this interaction, you will surprise and delight yourself.

I remember one time when I was shopping at a clothing store. An older couple was standing closeby and I said something insignificant, or knowing me, something arcane to the old man.  He looked up from the clothing rack, looked at me, and then looked at his wife, and exclaimed "He talked to me!".  He was genuinely thrilled that I had said something, anything, to him.  We then proceeded to have a delightful conversation.  It was delightful, not in content, but in the mere interaction.

Know that you are not alone in this quest for magic and mystery, we all ache for it.  Just watch out for the vampires.



Magick or is it Magic?

Someone recently asked me to teach Magick to them.  Most, I venture, do not even know what that word means.  They may think that they do, but hey, if all we had to do was think, then things should be pretty fantastic, right?  Yet so often we are left in a quandary, knowing that we do not really know, just because we think it is so.

Magic - Are we talking parlor tricks, deception, manipulation, willpower, intent, multiple realities?  Or maybe I just want to know that what I see or perceive is knowable, determinable, influenceable.

Ahh influenceable!  Now there's a notion.  Can we actually influence our environment?  String theory says yes, but better yet, why would you want to?  Now, back to Magick, or did we ever leave?

Yes, magic - can you see the wind?  Magic - can you hear and feel nothingness?  Magic - can you reach both ways in time?  Are all sounds equally pertinent or relevant, or are some sounds revealing what we need to hear?  Be free to pay attention.  Is there a path or just our lives?  Make sure you allow yourself room to be free of encumbrances.

Magic is mystery, mysticism.  Magic is being able to let go, or is it let glow?  Me thinks they are the same. Poor Aleister I knew him well. He just did not want to sell himself short.  Looks like he had a very interesting life!


The Lost Art of Listening

Listening.  I'm not talking about hearing, I'm talking about listening.  The sounds, the cadence, the tone.  Someone is talking and I'm listening.  No, I'm not politely waiting my turn to talk, or respond, or disagree; I'm actually simply listening.

Why do we attempt to listen, and how do we benefit by learning to listen well?  I propose that we listen so that we can better understand and feel what is being heard whether from a person, bird, dog, or the wind.  But first, I have to learn to listen, not just hear.  There is plenty of time to digest and turn what I hear and feel into a cognitive result - First listen, then understand, if I even need to understand.

Trust yourself on this process and try it out.  Listen, and then let the understanding come to you.  I propose that if I first listen then I will better understand what the other person is trying to communicate.  If I am listening, it does not mean I agree, it is just giving my best shot at understanding what is being communicated by another.  Isn't that why we listen?  I listen so that the other person or entity that is talking, crying, or laughing is understood to the best of my ability.  Do I need to take what is being spoken and immediately transpose it into thoughts?  Do I need to think first and listen, or listen first and then allow myself time to understand?  Can I trust this process?  What if I simply listen, no thinking, just listening.  Try it, just listen and don't even bother to translate what you hear into thoughts.  What happens then? 

Isn't that what can happen when I listen to the wind or to the owl hoot?  Do I even need to think that the wind is blowing, to listen to the wind.  Close your eyes and just listen.  It might take some practice, but it won't hurt to try.  Sometimes I close my eyes and just listen to the sounds around me, the wind, the rain, the animals, all the sounds.  It's feels amazing to simply listen.

Then there is the responsibility of the person talking.  Are you allowing the person to listen, do you really care whether they are listening?  Are you giving the listener a chance to process fully, or provide feedback, or even a chance to also speak?  Do you even care?  If not, then maybe a tape recorder or writing down what you have to say might be more appropriate or maybe even considerate.

And now I read that I can also hear with my skin.  Does that mean if I shave that I will be diminishing my listening skills?  And if I talk to myself can I really listen at the same time?