
Magic and Mystery - Learn to embrace it

It seems to me that most folks are looking for magic and mystery in their lives.  They might not call it magic, but when they leave the structure and safety, or seeming prison, of their everyday lives, they hope to experience something that will transport or awaken them to something eye opening, something that makes them feel truly alive. It does not matter whether it is a walk in the woods or a nearby park, or an outing to the movies or a play, or a trip to the building supply store or even the grocery store.  All these ventures cry out - make my life special, show me some magic, let there be more to the moments of my life!!

We may be watching from a sheltered or bruised ego, but we still crave to feel alive, to feel a sense of adventure in our lives.  We say hello to someone and when asked how we are doing, we say fine. And yet we are so much more than fine, and there is so much more that wants, even needs, to be shared - if only we dared.  There is much room for hope, the magic is calling to us constantly.  Learn to listen.

Yes, life is fraught with mystery and magic.  We just need to remember to be on the watch for it.  It is all around us, it surrounds, beckons, and even sings to us.  We may think that we do not have anyone to really open up with, but we do - we have everyone and everything.  We may feel trapped by a seemingly insignificant life, but the simplest outing to a grocery store is full of opportunity to share and enjoy the unknown, the mystery.  When we look into the eyes of another, let there be a recognition that you are looking at yourself, so why not be open?

Now I am not talking about puking your guts out to some stranger in an elevator.  I am talking about creating the space and opportunity for the magic and mystery to unfold.  You are the stage, let the show unfold for you.  Look around, watch and take notice of all that is around you.  Take notice of all the characters in the play that surround you.   Have no fear, for fear is all too often an illusion, a misapprehension.  Let yourself be free to interact with your environment, as it so wants to interact and play with you.  Practice this interaction, you will surprise and delight yourself.

I remember one time when I was shopping at a clothing store. An older couple was standing closeby and I said something insignificant, or knowing me, something arcane to the old man.  He looked up from the clothing rack, looked at me, and then looked at his wife, and exclaimed "He talked to me!".  He was genuinely thrilled that I had said something, anything, to him.  We then proceeded to have a delightful conversation.  It was delightful, not in content, but in the mere interaction.

Know that you are not alone in this quest for magic and mystery, we all ache for it.  Just watch out for the vampires.


Pooja said...

Nice :)

Kevin Q said...


Pooja said...


Pooja said...

Since we are exchanging links ... this one is smart

Julie said...

Fabulous, beautiful, love it!